• This aspect of the program is titled ‘Living Your Truth’ and it focuses on Building Your Relationship to Yourself.

  • This part of the curriculum is called ‘Build Better Boundaries’, where we discuss and define internal and external boundaries, learn to recognize where, when, and what boundaries are needed, and the self-connection needed to maintain boundaries.

  • The segment of the program is called ‘Finding Joyful Success’ and it focuses on Sustainable Success. Here, we work through trial and error, success and failure, redefining progress, and sustaining motivation and clarity.

  • Here, we focus on personal leadership as we embark on ‘The Empowered Path’ together. You learn to be the quarterback and architect of your reality by pulling together everything you’ve learned and understanding how to implement empowerment into every area of your life.

    This month really hones in and helps you master what’s been created. You get all of the final support you need to really take life by the horns.